Anchorage Holiday Park

Anchorage Holiday Park
The Pool And Camp Kitchen By Night.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Holiday Fun In Iluka

Pelicans at Iluka
Christmas 2011

What a great season we had this Christmas. Lovely, friendly people... some we know of old, some we have just met. Everyone enjoyed the sun, sand and surf.

The weather was kind and our visitors made the most of it! We hope you all have a safe and happy year and we look forward to seeing you all back here for Christmas 2012!

New Year's Eve at The Anchorage

We had a fantastic crowd for our New Year's Eve Disco. The dance floor was rarely free and DJ Echo even kept the New South Welshmen grooving until 1am.

Kids Fishing Comp at The Anchorage

The kids' fishing competitions are always a hit and this year was no exception! Karen is buried under the crowd there somewhere... measuring and weighing the fish - some were still alive! A honker of a bream won this year's comp and winner Ashleigh was very excited.

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